09:11 wxzy> Ugh. I think I should have chosen the X from pkgsrc.Yeah. Package 'Managers' that unroll tarballs, but lack a strong Requirements / Dependency system are like that
09:11 wxyz> The one I have now lacks fonts that applications need.
11 July 2014
The problem with older packaging managers in two lines ...
19 June 2014
Naming Names and 'Shaming'
I customarily run all the updates for the Windows 7 (64 bit) box at home on Sunday, but was traveling then, and so just ran some. Adobe's Flash Player (each no doubt asserted as trademarks) had a update notice in the bunch. I refer to those Marks in this paragraph for identification and not for other purposes. Disparagement comes later
So I attained Administrator (the Windows role enabled for installing software in the customary security model), and went through the process of starting their updater. This is a small intermediate program which retrieves the larger update, and then hands off execution to that later payload. AT NO TIME, have I or any other person with the knowledge needed to reach Admin rights, ever consented to the (seemingly always 'defaulted on') "Also install some third party 'enhancement'". It seems MacAfee and its Security Suite are the current firm, co-marketing of their products with Adobe. Again, I refer to those Marks in this paragraph for identification and not for other purposes. Disparagement comes later
Notwithstanding no consent, the McAfee kit was part of the payload that the Adobe retrieved ... and installed ... with no consent to such by me
Let's be frank. Adobe's Flash Player is a gaping security hole, with a well documented track record of poor coding. There are 356 using the search link. I am all for cleaning up issues and not hiding them, but this is just a whorehouse of fail, Adobe
The McAfee record for 'Security Suite' is less clear, as it seems to me that the nameing of their products is designed to confuse, and segment purchases, rather than to provide long term clarity of what the names, used as Marks, mean. The CVE count at MITRE is 137 by that search. But I see from a more general search engine query that McAfee seems to have licensed for distribution and re-naming, its product: 'AT&T Internet Security Suite - powered by McAfee' for instance, so one cannot rely on the Marks to reliability identify offenders. AOL seems to have licensed it as well
McAfee seems to have other lapses as well
I am just not sure what the remedy is:
- Stop using Windows? This is pretty much done with the maturity of the Open Source ecosphere -- we have NONE at the office facing the internet, and only ONE left at home or in the family members I support. For commercial software use, Apple's OS/X and hardware have been remarkably complete and their use uneventful without need to load them down with defensive 'crapware'
- Stop using Flash? Is the pain worth the short remaining life Adobe's Flash seems destined to have. I recall there was an effort to re-implement to the published Flash specification, and Adobe (to their credit is better than most commercial vendors on publishing file format documentation -- think: PSF and friends). time to investigate what the FOSS replacement is
- And of course: 'Shame' bundlers, and providers of 'ride-along' 'crapware'. So: Adobe, McAfee, and your products: Flash Player, and Security Suite -- consider yourself identified as bad actors, worthy of avoidance
Well, a start then
02 October 2013
About those doughnuts ...
Dollars to doughnuts, there is 'more than one roach' lurking.
I'll cover a bet that there are not tested backups in that shop
I had occasion to speak with that person again the other day. No backups, no thought to plan for such by that person's predecessor, and so by definition, no Disaster Recovery Plan 
I am looking forward to getting a box of doughnuts -- from the DK would be nice. Please make sure two Apple Fritters are in there, as the other coffee vultures always grab the one I wanted. The Doughnut Kitchen is close to Staufs
20 September 2013
win win habits
One of the convenience features of the PMman cloud product we run is the ease of communicating with 'tenants' on a given dom0. When I came in this morning, I had this notice waiting for me:
From: mdadm monitoringIt is not the end of the world -- there are four members in that raid array; all mutable data is backed up nightly, and it is easy enough to fix with a hot drive swap. BUT, we did a drive swap for a different raid member on that same unit within the last month. I want to totally remove that unit from production, and put it into 'on the bench' mode, so I can see if there is some deeper hardware issue
To: root@kvm-nNNN.pmman.com
Subject: DegradedArray event on /dev/md0:kvm-nNNN.pmman.com
This is an automatically generated mail message from mdadm
running on kvm-nNNN.pmman.com
A DegradedArray event had been detected on md device /dev/md0.
Faithfully yours, etc.
The neat part from my point of view is that part of our design included a way for contacting the tenant VM owners on JUST that box alone. It is as easy as clicking a couple buttons and typing
The following message will be sent to the to the list of users [on box: kvm-nNNN.pmman.com]. Here is the opportunity to fine tune the list.Emails go out, and a history item gets dropped into each VM's logfile as well as in our admin side logs. Optionally I can have the tool turn on an 'attention needed' flag in the end tenant's console, that will persist until they acknowledge it. We already do that as to 'too long between updates' and' 'too long between reboots' and such
From: support@pmman.com
Subject: Raid array member maintenance needed
Notice Level: N
Message: We have had some raid array member failures on the underlying dom0 of a machine you run at PMman. We replaced a drive hot three weeks ago on this same unit, and now have a new failure.
This may be a portent of a failing drive control subsystem, rather than the drive (although the previously removed drive tested bad and has been RMA'ed)
One new feature of PMMan of which you may not be aware is the 'no extra charge' weekly reboot and Level 0 backup. This is called a 'cyclic' backup with a 7 day repetition interval. To the extent you have NOT enabled this feature, I strongly suggest you test it and take advantage of this enhanced functionality of the interface
It is accessible off the 'Backups' button of the VM control web interface. Feedback is welcome of course. A nice side benefit from OUR point of view of offering this to customers is that it enables us to do invisible migrations from one dom0 to another as the backup and reboot are occurring, and so 'clear out' a dom0 host of running client instance VMs
-- Russ herrold
User list: ... [elided] ...
We can of course do invisible 'hot' migrations of machines around, but even safer is to encourage the good habit of encouraging tenant VM owners to take (and we automatically test) Level zero backups
19 June 2013
I am not Harry Truman
I have written about email sender forgery (There is probably NOT an email account: godzilla@microsoft.com) and its fallout ("Customer: My cousin says that his email to me is not going through") before. So let's take the time to think it through yet again
Takeaway: He wanted me to stop such pieces from cluttering their email box, but he is unwilling to have 'heavy' spam filtering
As a personal matter, and also wearing my sysadmin hat, I would like to stop seeing this cruft as well
But as a technical matter, it seems that it cannot easily be done without constant 'tuning' of rejection rules or some other rather serious matching of 'Message-ID' of pieces sent against return pieces offered. An attempt to do so through filtering tools with no prior knowledge of Message-ID's sent, is to always 'play defense' against the spammers, without an ability ever score a 'win'. The effort to match Message-Id's in offered return pieces is perhaps more promising
But, so far, no-one has been sufficiently vexed by it in the FOSS community to publish such a tool and to commit do doing do the ongoing 'tuning' of message parsers needed. Perhaps we can design around it with existing tools, and amending our outgoing pieces by adding a certification that a given candidate email is truly from us
As a design matter, building a milter, writing some procmail rules, and parsing sendmail logs, probably into a database backend, as my first thought as to how I would approach the matter. The database constraint is troubling, though. I have other work that I need to attend to first, but I went through the thought process. I memorialize that process in part in case someone is interested. Even more, I will provide webspace, mailing list support, and a VCS gratis, if someone 'feels the itch'. It would be useful to have, but is not urgent to attain -- Seven Habits Quadrant 2 or 4 stuff. Absent such a volunteer effort or a paying customer, for me, Quadrant 4
Or, version two, a trusted cohort of outbound mailservers could build a MAC MIME Multipart attachment for each outbound message, and also a second MIME attachment that is cryptographically validated 'clearsign' of that MAC part. Possibly bundle this up into a Multipart Related set of structured attachments. Add these two new MIME attachments to all messages on every outbound piece. The first part -- the MAC part -- would be based a hash of the message body, plus a timestamp of seconds since Epoch or such, and other optional entropy, to avoid forgery and replay attacks
Later then, when a putative return is offered, only accept for further processing those returns that had a validating pair of MIME attachments, produced based on a re-hash the message body in chief, and that MAC section's timestamp; and that had previously clearsigned by it. Discard stale stuff, and non-validating content. This gets rid of the need for the database and simplifies the procmail rules. A well-formed candidate return piece can carry around all that is needed to known to decide if one will pass a mail return message along to human eyes
Not free, as it will burn up compute cycles on every send, and a few more at return time, but also complete and under controllable locally so resistant to spammers. Avoids the database requirement, so it can scale out. Most of the needed tools already exist as FOSS. hmmm
The protocols governing what constitutes: email permit a sender to enter whatever 'return address, and 'sender address' they wish on a piece of email. It is trivial to find a 'open' relay to accept email to send to any third party. Consider the analogy:
- All the while being careful to not leave a fingerprint or other biometric, I use cash to purchase a post card at the corner store, along with a stamp
- I address it to someone of tender sensibilities, and assert that I noticed that their car was parked outside the local 'adult entertainment' establishment
- I sign it: Harry S Truman
- I enter a 'return address' of:
Harry S Truman
President Emeritus
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue
Washington DC 20500
The recipient is outraged to find such a libelous assertion, visible for their letter carrier to see, and demands that the person who did so be identified, and stopped. Also, for good measure, they want the Postal Service Inspectors to get on the matter to prevent such heartbreaking assertions to never happen again
About all the Postal Service will offer to do in the usual case is to return the piece to its nominal sender. And he no longer receives mail at that address
(I note parenthetically that the Postal Service DOES seem to scan images of ALL paper mail passing through their system)
Stopping spam (here: bounce backsplatter and 'joe jobs') is just not going to turn out to have a durable, easy, and comprehensive solution, without re-thinking what we send looks like. Spammers and legitimate receivers are in a 'arms race' and today's fix will rot if senders can re-engineer around the fixes. If this state of affairs distresses a person greatly and until I can get that MIME solution going to test my hypothesis: stop reading email; hire a full time, 24x7 secretary to pre-read all email and toss the junk.; turn up the filtering and accept the false positives; grow a thick skin
Or, of course, start coding and beat me to it
13 June 2013
Phone call: 'I've got this sick machine ...'
them: yum complains about a missing signing key
me: so install the key; it is down in /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/, and rpm --import ... will do the trick
them: that directory is not there
me: who set up the machine?
them: well, I was handed it, and ...
me: so, take a level zero backup and then clean up the machine before trying to work on it, or deploy a new one
them: well, I can't
I just got off that call from a friend in a new employment situation
The technical fix was outlined by me long ago, and I sent an email with the link along to the person calling
BUT: Fixing the mindset inside the caller's head: do not try to work in a undefined (here: broken) environment is harder
But the caller has a problem in their work-flow process; a fix has to be done; sooner is probably better than later; a broken machine in production is 'technical debt', pure and simple. Fundamental expectations are not met; binary partition will not work well to isolate problems, as more than one piece is probably broken. It will break again, and a perception may well form that the caller may be the problem, rather than the broken environment they were handed
Be sure to make a note to yourself to also address the broken process that permitted that machine to escape into production. Dollars to doughnuts, there is 'more than one roach' lurking. I'll cover a bet that there are not tested backups in that shop
04 January 2013
Another pet died across the holidays
- cPanel administration with multiple accounts in a single host without protections
- OS Updates not being run
- WordPress updates not being run
- Random add-on's being used without an awareness of security issues
- No SELinux (disabled)
The absence of good sysadmin skills, well packaged content, and updates 'for the loss' ...