I read with interest over the weekend this unit testing and TDD blog post from Douglas Hubler. I met him in real life a few weeks up in Chicago at the annual ClueCon, and was very impressed
I tracked down his email address and started to write a private email, but then as I re-read my draft and his piece, I noticed that it was a 'talking draft' by him. As such, I decided to surface my thoughts here
Hi -- Russ herrold (ex CentOS) here -- we met at cluecon
You put your finger on the problem well here:
"Project Maintainers" were always in fear of holding the bag on contributions that introduced bugs while not advancing their employer's goals
which is the well known 'capture by the employer problem' in FOSS. I am not saying (and would never suggest) that employer sponsorship of an interested 'Project Maintainer' is undesirable -- just the opposite, as it funds getting SOME motion in some cases (i.e., when it suits the employer's goals, or is not a clear 'CLM' -- career limiting move). Of course this path leads to 'freeze ups' similar to what we see in Debian Stable, where nothing short of dynamite (or a working remote exploit) seems to work to pry some forward progress into the main trunk
I put on my 'agile' thinking cap, to scope out the implications of your post
To work, the "Unit Test Sheppards" need to have global mandate to commit at least unit tests, via a Version Control System, and there needs to be a working Continuous Integration server. If this 'breaks the build' either the test is wrong, or the code is wrong. In the first response to 'breaking the build' the CI server has to revert the test, and file an exception report, to be owned by the UTS in the first instance, with a CC to the PM
This gets a 'heads up' in front of the PM, and a careful UTS will at a minimum either: 1) acknowledge that the test was ill-considered, withdraw it, and close the bug; 2) amend their code to correct misunderstanding that resulted in a broken test and re-attempt the commit [closing the bug, with the possibility of a 're-entry' of a new bug on the revised test], or 3) add documentation to the bug filing that indicates why the test is right [perhaps something as simple as pointing to a release target milestone, or part of the Requirements document] in preparation to handing the bug off to the PM (staying on the bug as a CC), and handing it along to the PM's queue
One problem is that when there is only a single PM, there is also only a single point of blockage, and 'real life' intervening, or a work-plan to do a substantial refactoring (perhaps even already partially working in a private tree), or even a non-public agenda on the part of one's employer may prevent the PM from ** wanting ** to respond 'just now' if a well-form test and bugreport gets dropped on them ...
... but if the unit test is 'right', usually it is proper to add to a test suite. I put to one side whether one should run all unit tests every pass; Tests do rot and one may well need to trim obsolete tests away, or refactor old ones to match code reorganizations; clearly one answer when the suite gets 'too big' is to start prioritizing, adding stochastic selection to generally omit tests related to rarely encountered failure modes and so forth
But a well written test never fully 'goes away' by default. At some predictable interval, of course, the 'full boat' of ALL tests, as well as more rigorous end to end functional tests are needed. Beck's TDD book glosses over this to some extent as his focus was development, but 'testing' means much more than 'unit testing'
One additional avenue toward a solution would be to convert the single PM 'person' into a trellised PM 'role' or 'team' containing two or more non-affiliated project members
By and large, FOSS works better when there is a consensus approach to management of a resource. It is basic group dynamics that achieving consensus is easier in a small team, able to consult in the 'stand up five minute meeting, and to come to a tactical 'what is the simplest thing that we can do' to conform to a well-formed test, write (or adopt) the unit test, apply it, and move on ;) With only two people in the PM trellis, or a senior and a junior relationship, the group dynamics may result in impasse, which is only visible to the 'outsider' UTS as 'nothing is happening on this bug'
Lots of inter-person political approaches exist here, but ultimately and in most projects, there is a agreed-to Release Manager team with global commits, that has to be willing and able to 'take up the reins', intervene to intentionally 'break the build' in HEAD when an impasse continues 'too long' [I assume here a model of a stable release, and a developmental HEAD], and force the PM to respond (perhaps by relinquishing participation as a co-PM)
I don't have an obvious candidate solution to suggest here, as there as many approaches are possible, and I've seen the issue as a project lead, as well as a mere participant, and sometimes simply as a concerned onlooker