![]() | ![]() | This is a bit of housekeeping about this blog -- the boilerplate so to speak. I mentioned the need to do it, so here it is |
I am an economist, duly trained both in academia, and in that broader school of life. I am a 'rough around the edges' statistician. I have been coding since before formal exposure to either of those disciplines. I am a mathematician. None of these pursuits carry formal certifications relevant here.
I am a lawyer, trained at a top ten school, long ago and far away, it seems.
---------------start disclaimer-------------------
I_A_AL, but not your lawyer. I offer legal advice and formal
opinion only within the confines of a previously established
and explicit attorney-client relationship where privilege may
be had; and NEVER on a public list server.
----------------end disclaimers ------------------
I may own positions from time to time in entities mentioned, and while I will try to flag such, obviously times and holdings change, and I'll not be updating such enumerations. I am NOT your investment adviser, not licensed as such, offer merely opinion which I may or may not advocate (an economist and lawyer can and should be ready to argue any side of an issue; sort of like 'high school debate club', but no holds barred) and do not render any advice or recommendation as to such matters
And this fun one:
"This publication is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information in regard to the subject matter covered. It is sold with the understanding that the publisher is not engaged in rendering legal, tax, accounting, or other professional service. If legal advice or other expert assistance is required, the services of a competent professional person should be sought."Generally, the appearance of trademarks or registered trademarks
-- from a Declaration of Principles jointly adopted by
a Committee of the American Bar Association and a
Committee of Publishers and Associations.
within this blog are done as a nominative and factual matter, as
and for description and identification.
See, generally, 15 USC 1115(b)(4).
I am in no wise interested in any implied trademark
infringement or counterfeiting (11 USC 1114(1)); false
designation or unfair competition (15 USC 1125(a));
dilution (15 USC 1125(c); common law infringement or
unfair competition, or dilution; violation of business
practice law or regulation as to use of marks.
No patents are knowingly infringed, nor 'trade secret' or NDA matter disclosed
The photos used are Creative Commons licensed, or otherwise under a copyright I have proper access for reproduction.
Please respect my copyright
No electrons are harmed permanently in the production of my blog content, although several get quite annoyed